Knowledge is the most valuable resource
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In several respects, the NICE project was aimed at producing practically applicable and valid results for the long-term application of nanostructured surfaces in wind power. The basis for this was laid by the further development of innovative processes for surface structuring using ultrashort pulse lasers and optimization of the process parameters for different materials. The simulation model developed on the basis of these results allows optimized selection of the material and its surface processing.
Furthermore, extensive field tests provided new insights into the resistance of the laser-structured surfaces and the long-term change in their properties under real conditions, thus ensuring the practical suitability of the solutions found. The results thus open up new possibilities for implementing the developed structures and methods for industrial-scale applications.
- Project presentation: NICE_project presentation_en
- Abstract – NICE_Abstract
- Final public report – coming soon
- Results of field trials – Results of static field trials_long
Selected conference papers:
- Winterwind Conference – Winterwind_2023_NICE_abstract_Rev02
- CIRP Conference (LANE) – 4.4_conference paper 12th CIRP Conference