Experience meets science
Together we move more
Extensive laboratory equipment and state-of-the-art instrumentation
Institute for Manufacturing and Photonic Technologies (IFT)
The IFT is part of the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology. With the work areas of Machining and Photonic Technologies, the IFT covers a broad field of manufacturing technology and machine tool engineering.
In the development of innovative processes as well as the machine technologies required for this, the institute is considered one of the most important locations for production engineering research. Technology transfer through project partnership is an important concern of the IFT to ensure the competitiveness of Austrian companies.
The area of “Photonic Technologies” is mainly concerned with laser material processing, such as joining, cutting or ablation of different materials, laser-assisted forming technology and laser and optics development, both experimentally and by means of simulations. In the laboratory, various laser sources, from short-wave UV radiation (193 nm) to infrared radiation (10.6 µm), are available for research purposes. This is used, for example, to provide the surfaces of a wide variety of materials with microstructures or nanostructures, which can be used to modify the surface properties. This allows technical surfaces, e.g. hydrophobic properties, which can be used in various areas of industry, e.g. in the automotive industry. of wind energy, can be used.
The research area “Photonic Technologies” is divided into the groups process simulation and process technology. The Process Simulation research group investigates laser processes using sophisticated simulation models, with the aim of achieving a deeper understanding of the process. The Process Technology Research Group uses various laser sources for experimental investigations of material processing with laser radiation.
The latest results from our research activities are incorporated into the courses and thus provide students with the necessary tools for understanding one of the key technologies of the 21st century.
Exactly our field of expertise
Energy Workshop
The mission of Energiewerkstatt is to participate in the energy transition through the continuous development of renewable energy, especially wind energy but also photovoltaic and biogas plants. Our tasks include
- researching, developing and promoting the use of renewable forms of energy.
- the communication of the developed scientific results in lectures, seminars and consulting events.
- the implementation of the obtained research results in the optimization of the use of renewable energy sources.
- Conducting feasibility studies, permitting, due diligence, and providing expert opinions on yield, as well as shadow flicker, icefall risk, fire risk, wind zones, and machine breakage.
Within the research project NICE, Energiewerkstatt was responsible for the planning and implementation of the field trials in the alpine region and the data evaluation.